Jun 18, 2009
Voice of Israel
Prince Handley
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Benyamin Netanyahu's speech at Bar Ilan University: Israel's right to it's homeland, while offering Palestinians recognition conditioned upon PA recognition of Israel. Podcast covers Obama prophecy, and the future of Babylon, Petra, and the Jews.
HEADLINES: Enraged Palestinians thinking about returning to terror for Netanyahu speech.
Palestinians say they want to return to terror (or, well timed terror synchronized with diplomacy) after Netanyahu's straight forward talk for peace and a two state solution for Israel. I have a question: “When did they stop terrorism?” The Palestinians' main tool of force to influence negotiations was terror under Arafat. What other kind of manifestation of disease would you expect from a sick, depraved world view and religion? Killing innocent people and children … even their own. Tempting youngsters with the dream of heaven for murdering people. What a beautiful so-called god. (Who in their right mind would want to serve a god like that?)
The hardliners in PA want: 1. Israel's total withdrawal to pre 1967 borders; 2. A Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital; and, 3. The right of 1948 refugees to return to their homes.
As for Number 1 (withdrawal to pre 1967 borders by Israel), who started the war? Why discourage the brave IDF and IAF warriors who give of their youth and strength for Israel … and then give back what they won. Israel, you were attacked in 1967 and 1973. You won these wars. Then, why give back land you won, especially land Adonai promised you. As far as the 1948 conflict, let me remind you: “Who started that one, too.”
As far as any part of Jerusalem representing a Palestinian capital, there is NO record of Palestinians having any ownership rights. And if they are talking about Islam, it wasn't even a religion until the 7th century C.E. (or, A.D.) when a child molester named Muhammad (who married a 9 year old girl) started the religion after a false god non-entity name allah (the name of the so called moon god used before that time.)
Eretz Yisrael, or the Land of Israel, was named after one of the patriarchs of the Jewish People, “Jacob,” whose name was changed by God to the name “Israel” 4,000 years ago. The land was settled by the Israelites after their Exodus from Egypt about 3,500 years ago. Actually, there is no relationship between the names Palestinian and Philistine. The original Philistines were a non-Semitic people. As far as the Philistines, they only occupied the southern portion of the coastal region. The Arabs calling themselves “Palestinians” today are a Semitic people and descendants of Ishmael.
In fact, according to the British Mandate or Palestine Mandate, an Arab Palestine already exists on 80% of the land set aside for a Jewish homeland by the earlier Balfour Declaration. This is the fictional Arab Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, formerly Trans Jordan: a nation that aggressively attacked Israel with the intention of its annihilation from the map on more than one occasion. In 1948, it conquered and occupied the disputed territories of Judea & Samaria. In 1967, Israel reconquered its land in a defensive war. According to international law, land lost by an aggressor legally belongs to the aggrieved and attacked.
The Children of Israel and the Land of Israel remain inseparable eternally.
The Palestinians are so mad that someone (aka: Binyamin Netanyahu) finally had guts (and wisdom) enough to plow through political correctness and speak the truth (re: Bibi's speech at Bar Ilan University) concerning President Obama's weak toast desire for a two state solution in Israel.
I would like to add one thing to your speech, PM Netanyahu. There already is a Palestinian state. Again, Jordan is the original Palestinian State. It is amazing that people as intelligent as Condoleeza Rice and Tzipi Livni failed to capitalize on this. Could it be political expediency … or, political correctness?
Netanyahu's speech at the Bar-Ilan University's Begin-Sadat Hall Sunday, June 14, declared: “The Palestinians refugee problem must be settled outside Israel's boundaries and Jerusalem will remain the undivided capital of Israel with religious freedom for all faiths.”
The Netanyahu speech expressed the formulated opinion of the majority of Israelis, and which no Israeli leader previously has had the courage and wisdom to declare. Israelis should be proud of Bibi. God can bless a leader who does NOT apologize for his country when it is not necessary, and who is not afraid to stand for truth or God.
He spoke admiringly of the statesmanship of Israel's founder, David Ben Gurion, who founded the state, and said he aspired to follow in the footsteps of his predecessor Menahem Begin and Egypt's Anwar Sadat, who signed the first peace accord between Israel and an Arab nation. He justified the Jewish people's ancestral right to the land of its fathers after 2,000 years of persecution.
He promised Israel would recognize a Palestinian national flag, government and national anthem, but that in exchange, Israel was entitled to Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish state with its own flag, anthem and government.
Even is the PA agrees to Netanyahu's offer – which they will not because they only want a one-way street – they will not keep their word. They never do, and this is a sign that what they believer intrinsically (including their religion) is deceptive: you know a tree by its fruit. Yasser Arafat doubled and tripled his armed forces, blew up Israeli buses, and implemented bloody Palestinian suicide strikes against Israel, while appearing to negotiate for peace.
Netanyahu spoke in favor of a Palestinian state alongside Israel in his speech at Bar Ilan University, but only on the following conditions: The Palestinian state is demilitarized, does not control its air space, accepts effective security arrangements against arms smuggling, may not sign military treaties, and finally recognize Israel as a Jewish state. Netanyahu disputed the thesis that Israel arose from the ashes of the Nazi Holocaust and maintained that had the state of Israel been established earlier, the Holocaust would have been prevented. He said, “Jerusalem will remain Israel's united capital with freedom of religion for all faiths.”
The White House said that president Obama welcomes Netanyahu's endorsement of a separate Palestinian state as an "important step forward.”
The real ploy behind the “land for peace” negotiations is to reduce Israeli real estate to the position where Israel would NOT have effective air operations response. This, obviously, would render only one result for Israel: a forced nuclear operation against Iran and other terrorist, rogue nations (including Russia).
Let me remind you that G-d’s plan for the Middle East is to:
1. Settle the Jews in Israel.
2. Give Jerusalem to Israel.
3. Destroy Babylon (see my podcasts Thu, 20 March 2008 and Thu, 27 March 2008: “Babylon: the Enemy of Israel Exposed” – Part 1 and Part 2.
4. Judge Mt. Seir and Edom.
5. Make it evident to all nations that G-d has brought Israel back from the diaspora to Israel.
“Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that it shall no more be said, The LORD liveth, that brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt;
But, The LORD liveth, that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands whither he had driven them: and I will bring them again into their land that I gave unto their fathers.” (Jeremiah 16:14-15)
6. Bring a spiritual awakening among Israeli people.
7. Make Jerusalem a “cup of trembling” to all nations.
Land for peace is NOT G-d’s plan for the Middle East. Land for peace is a trap to weaken and position Israel into a limited area where she would have NO effective air response (defensive or offensive) operations. This is a planned stratagem for the annihilation for the State of Israel, and any Israeli (or, other) leader who defends such a plan should be marked as a traitor to the State of Israel.
Not only that, but the land belongs to Israel by:
Promise from G-d (to Abraham); and,
Victory in war (1948, 1967 and 1973).
I will prophesy to you that Obama will deceive Israel. He will make sweeping international moves in symphony with gestures and promises to Israel and the Jewish People worldwide of support for Eretz Israel. In a moment of time, the now US President will turn his back on Israel and the Jewish People, and geographically separated military clashes involving Israel on its borders - by its neighbors - will happen.
At the right moment (not right for Israel) a leader will forge a peace treaty and come out in support of both the Jews and the Arabic-Islamic countries.
When the coming world leader – appointed by the New World Order – takes over, he will make a treaty (a covenant) with Israel for seven years. Today, in addition to disease and famine issues, the leaders of the dominant nations are concerned with three (3) primary factors:
Attaining peace among nations and ethnic groups;
Guaranteeing the flow of oil; and,
Stopping terrorism and conflict in the Middle East (especially between Israel and the Palestinians).
Again, the CHIEF bargaining factor will be the city of Jerusalem!
A Seven Year Treaty will be the coup de grace for Israel. What you should be watching for is Leadership: a leader who will seemingly have the solution for the Israeli - Palestinian conflict. This leader, appointed by the NWO will bring temporary peace and will convince the Jewish people to sign a seven (7) year treaty.
This is a stratagem designed for the annihilation of the People of Israel: the Jews.
In exchange for agreeing to this treaty negotiation, Israel will be allowed to rebuild her Temple on the Temple Mount. Then, after three and one half years (42 months) the NWO leader (the false Messiah) will do just what Antiochus Epiphanes did, who desecrated the Jewish Temple at the time of the Maccabean revolt. (Tanakh: Read Daniel 9:24-27 and Daniel 11:31 in the Tanakh.) The new world leader will go into the new rebuilt Temple and blaspheme G-d. Then, he will declare that he is G-d.
The 42 months which follow this event (the last half of the seven year covenant) will prove to be the worst time of persecution the Jews have ever known: worse than they experienced during the Holocaust under Nazi Germany.
The Seven Year Treaty-Covenant will be a trap to bring about the subjugation, persecution, and total annihilation of the Jewish People.
During the last half of the seven years many Jews will flee to Petra where they will be safe from the anti-Messiah, the coming world leader. G-d causes a supernatural geological happening to take place to protect them from an attempt of the new world leader to extinguish the Jews who have fled to Petra.
In 1967 I was invited by one of the professors at the University of Judaism to come speak about Petra. One of the people in attendance was an attorney named Nissan Blumenthal who was one of the nine (9) men from the USA invited to private confidential conference with Moshe Dayan after Israel's 1967 War with Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. Mr. Blumenthal actually commanded the Jews present to be quiet and to listen to what I had to say concerning the evacuation of Jews to Petra during the last 42 months of the future Seven Year Treaty.
There will be NO peace until the Messiah returns. However, you can have PEACE in your heart. Make sure you know REAL Messiah NOW … avoid the grasp of the new world leader – the FALSE messiah - who is alive NOW and hates the Jewish People.
Pray to the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Ask Him to reveal to you if Yeshua is really your Messiah. If He does, then receive Him into your life. Pray, and ask Him what He wants you to do. Read the Tanakh and the Brit Chadashah.
Right now, there are 144,000 Jewish male prophets (12,000 out of each 12 tribes of Israel) called and anointed by YWHW to prepare the return of Messiah Yeshua to earth to establish His Kingdom. Some already know they are called – some do not. God will begin to show you with signs you can NOT deny.
Baruch haba b'shem Adonai.
Your friend,
Prince Handley
Podcast time: 16 minutes, 15 seconds (with music)
© Prince Handley 2009
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Prince Handley
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