Jul 15, 2008
Israel faces pressure from seven (7)
fronts during the present time. Prince Handley discusses the ANSWER
for each problem. How Israel and the Jewish People can
Israel faces pressure from seven (7) forces
during this present time:
Syria / Iran
Hamas, Hezbollah and terrorist groups.
Political corruption
Divided Knesset
European Union
United Nations
Lack of spiritual unity
A three-fold cord is not
easily broken; how much more a seven-fold cord?!
1. Syria /
Iranian officers are now in command of Hizballah teams at the 7,800 foot elevation of Mt. Sannine in Lebanon. From there they can monitor and cause trouble to US Sixth Fleet movements in the Mediterranean and, also, the Israeli Air Force flights. Iranian officers have also been attached to Hizballah’s anti-air, surface, and shore-to-ship missile units across Lebanon.
If you will consult any of my podcasts on this issue – that is, the
Syria / Iran issue – you will know that I have given you the answer
already: Attack Iran NOW! Iran’s defeat will cause her
followers to lay low and lick their wounds. Also, any subordinate
military forces will be legally subject to attack and international
humiliation. Why? Because they support(ed) a rogue terrorist nation
who had nuclear annihilation as a goal.
2. Hamas, Hezbollah and terrorist
Go after them wherever they are at; completely
dismantle them. For the individual suicide bombers, cut off all aid
to their families and deport the families. Announce the penalty of
such attacks and the results upon immediate family members of the
suicide bombers. Announce the NEW penalties that will be carried
out by public media coverage so as to cause more introspective
reflection by those who would carry out such attacks.
Establish MDA (Magen David Adom) and other social welfare and medical stations where Palestinians may come for aid. This is to provide HELP and show GOOD WILL, even if it is NOT accepted. Don’t expect the Red Crescent to do the same for Israelis.
Political corruption
Olmert was questioned again by police for two
hours in at his Jerusalem home. He is now suspected of multiple
billing deceit for travel trips. Also, USA businessman Morris
Talansky declared that he had personally conveyed to Olmert in
envelopes $150,000 over a period of 10 years.
Israel needs a Prime Minister who is a
Messianic Jew (either an Orthodox Rabbi or a Hebrew
4. Divided
The current Knesset representation provides
too fractious of a body to govern Israel with respect to its
calling as a separate people from G-d. The only hope, politically,
is to expand the powers delegated to judicial review, and to
have as members of the Supreme Court (Beit haMishpat ha'Elyon)
those who are Messianic believers: those who want the highest good
for Eretz Israel.
5. European
If you have listened to even a
few of my podcasts, you will be aware that the EU (European Union)
is NOT the friend of Israel. As a matter of fact, it will be in the
future the greatest enemy that Israel has ever known: even greater
than Nazi Germany. The NWO (New World Order) will arise from both
the EU and the League of Arab States and that the Ten (10) Region
World Order will select the leader who will seduce Israel into
signing a seven (7) year treaty, or covenant, allowing Israel to
rebuild the Temple on or near the Temple Mount.
Jerusalem will be the bargaining key.
(Consult the Show Notes of my podcast 2008-06-10 titled: “The
World Leader Who Deceives Israel”).
The 10 region confederacy that will be
comprised of governments in both Europe and the Middle East
(including North East Africa) will ultimately have the political
clout to control the Mediterranean. Some of these 10 region states
may be from Western Asia and North Africa, but most of them will
probably be from Europe. The final leader of this confederacy
will overthrow three (3) of the 10 nations by a political, military
and governmental takeover. He will be the False Messiah: the enemy
of Israel.
Today, in addition to disease and famine issues, the leaders of the
dominant nations are concerned with three (3) primary
peace among nations and ethnic groups;
the flow of oil; and,
terrorism and conflict in the Middle East (especially between
Israel and the Palestinians).
Again, the CHIEF bargaining factor will be the
city of Jerusalem!
What you should be watching for is:
Leadership ... a leader ...
who will seemingly have the
solution for the Israeli / Palestinian conflict.
This leader, appointed by
the NWO will bring temporary peace and will convince the Jewish people to sign a
seven (7) year treaty.
In exchange for agreeing to this treaty
negotiation, Israel will be
allowed to rebuild her Temple on the Temple Mount.
Then, after three and one
half years (42 months) the NWO leader (the false Messiah)
will do just what Antiochus Epiphanes did, who desecrated the
Jewish Temple at the time of the Maccabean revolt. (Read Daniel
9:24-27 and Daniel 11:31 in the Tanakh.)
The new world
leader will go into the new rebuilt Temple and blaspheme G-d … then
he will declare that he is G-d.
Right now, because Israel so wants to increase
trade with the EU, it is
making preparation for RFID EPC
(Electronic Product Code) tracking to replace UPC bar codes
on products. This will set up
Israeli citizens … particularly Jewish people … to be
tracked wherever and whenever. Listen to my next
United Nations
The UN is one of the most impotent bodies on
the face of the earth … and it does NOT have Israel has a priority
benefactor. Israel, do NOT depend
on the UN, the USA, the EU for help. If you lean on the UN …
or any of these entities … you will be doing the same as your
forefathers did: “leaning on Egypt.”
“Now the Egyptians are men, and not God; and their horses flesh, and not spirit.” - Isaiah 31:1 and 3
Lack of spiritual unity
Recently, a handful of Orthodox students, prompted by Deputy Mayor Uzi Aharon, went door to door in the Neveh Rabin neighborhood, gathering up copies of the Brit Chadashah (New Testament) and burning them.
Ma’ariv, the second largest Hebrew daily newspaper, reported that hundreds of students were involved. Aharon, a member of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party, declared that it is a “commandment” to burn material considered idolatrous.
In a
press release issued shortly after the episode, the Anti-Defamation
League deplored the destruction of Bibles, using the strongest of
terms. Interfaith Policy Director Rabbi Eric J. Greenburg stated,
“We condemn this heinous act as a
violation of the basic Jewish principles and values. The Jewish
people can never forget the tragic burning of the Talmud and
theTorah throughout history.”
Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, which includes more than
1.5 million Reform Jews across America and 1,800 Reform rabbis,
issued a press release calling the burning of the New Testament,
“hilul Hashem, a desecration of God’s name.”
The rabbinic statement concludes by “urging rabbis of all streams in Judaism to condemn these actions and to reaffirm the bonds of friendship and respect that should mark relations between Jews and Christians throughout the world.”
Israel needs to center on faith in Messiah. Jewish believers from all sectors of the spectrum need to focus on a united Israel AND to realize that Messianic Jews (Hebrew Christians) … and all REAL Christians love Israel and the Jewish people.
Work together, trusting G-d, or fall together.
Yediot Aharonot, the
most widely read Hebrew news source in Israel, Meir Shalev, the most widely celebrated
Israeli author, wrote “I suggest to every person in Israel,
secular or religious, to read the Brit Chadashah (New Testament).
Each one is guaranteed to have a true Jewish
Podcast time: 12 minutes, 33 seconds (with
Podcast size: 11.4 MB