Sep 13, 2006
“But Pharaoh will not hearken unto you, and I will lay
my hand upon Egypt, and bring forth my armies, my people the
children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great judgments.?
[Exodus 7:4 - Torah]
Some versions render the word “armies? as “hosts.? The
more regular usage of the word is “armies.? The Hebrew word
[tsaba’] used means not only “a mass of persons,? but more
regularly “a mass of persons (or things) organized for war,? and by
implication, “a campaign? (literally or figuratively).
God’s people are a warring people, and a warrior
Michael is the angel of warfare. He is sent to provide
MIRACLES of warfare for God’s people.
We, as the warrior class, have the following weaponry
available to us:
Word of God
Ruach Elohim prayer
Name of Messiah Yeshua
Not only are we a warrior class spiritually, but we
are warriors in the natural sphere when we have cause to fight as
in the defense of our families or nation.
Israel recently LOST the war to Hezbollah. Why do I
say “lost?? Because in warfare, IF you do NOT win . . . you lose.
Warfare is NOT won by decision, as in a boxing match. In real
warfare, you either win or lose. Israel lost! Israel does NOT need
the United Nations, or any other nation, to decide when, how, or if
they win.
“For you are a holy people to JAHWEH your G-d: marked
out by YAHWEH your G-d to be his special people out of all the
nations on the face of the earth. [Deuteronomy 7:6 - Torah]
Why did Israel lose? Because they had leaders who did
NOT facilitate their win. You have to have leaders who not only
will ALLOW the combined forces (ground, sea, air, and INTEL) to win
. . . but, more particularly, leaders who WANT to win!
Israel is about to go through a major change. There is
much corruption in government and much weakness in leadership.
Israel has a strong army, the IDF, and a strong secret
service and INTEL (probably the best in the world). They need
strong leaders who will ALLOW them to win and who WANT to win.
Israel needs leaders who will trust the G-d of Israel,
and who will allow JAHWEH to be their “Banner of War? as they go
against their enemies. After the great conquest against Amalek,
Moses built an altar in remembrance of the super natural . . . real
miracle . . . victory Jehovah had given the Israelites in answer to
prayer and the lifting up of Moses’ hands by Aaron and Hur.
“Moshe built an altar, and called the name of it ‘the
LORD our Banner’ [Jehovah-nissi].? [Exodus 17:15]
The Messiah will give Israel victory when the nation
asks Him for help.
“Pray for the shalom of Yerushalayim. Those who love
her will prosper.? [Psalm 122:6]