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Jan 21, 2022

Tevet 7, 5782

Prince Handley
President / Regent
University of Excellence



עדי עיניים

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The construction of the Third Jewish Temple could begin immediately IF the Jewish leaders ... and the Temple Institute ... understood that the First and Second Jewish Temples were NEVER located on the Dome of the Rock Complex; Haram al-Sharif.

This is Part One in a Series to develop a construct proving that the Jewish Temple was NOT on the traditional location (referred to as the Temple Mount), but was in the City of David.




I want to talk to you today about a brand new series that I want to present to you. I want to talk to you about the Third Temple in Jerusalem … and specifically about where the Third Temple will be (should be) built.

In a previous podcast teaching, I taught about Third Temple: Timing and Terrorists. We talked about the timing of its construction on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and the effect of terrorism with relation to its construction. Plus the question that nobody asks!

Just to give you a brief background, the New Global Governance leader will appoint a Head of Global Religion who will be the False Prophet, who persecutes Jews and real Christians.

The Head of Global Religionthe False Prophetwill demand people worldwide to worship the new global governance leader, who will be the FALSE messiah referred to in the New Testament as The Beast.

The False Prophet will construct an image of the Beast and demand the populace to worship the image. Also, after the Third Temple is completed about 42 months later in the middle of the seven year covenantthat's the seven year treaty that the anti-Christ Beast will make between the Jews and Palestiniansthe New Global Governance Leader (the anti-type actually of Antiochus Epiphanes IV who in 168 BCE sacrificed a sow on the altar in the templewill go into the temple and declared that he is God (just like Antiochus IV did).

He will profane the temple. So after the temple is builtaround 42 months into the seven year covenant (about halfway through)the anti-christ FALSE Messiah will go into the Third Temple and declare that he is god. He will blaspheme the REAL GOD.

The Bible tells us in the
Book of Daniel Chapter 11, verse 31:

For the day will not come until after apostasy has come and the man who separates himself from Torah has been revealed. The one destined for doom. He will oppose himself to everything that people call a God or make an object of worship. He will put himself above them all so that he will sit in the Temple of God and proclaim that he himself is God.”

Now it's at this time that Israel will go into the time of Jacob's trouble, but Israel will be delivered at the end of the last 42 months of that seven year period when Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah appears at the end of the seven-year covenant.
The New global governance with regional Islamic horses will attack Israel. These forces will be marshaled by what scripture calls the Beast, who is the FALSE messiah; the New Global Governance Leader.

However, at the last nanosecond, the REAL Messiah will appear from Heaven and He will defeat the anti-Israel armies. Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) will set up his kingdom where peace, prosperity and purity will abound. Israel wins permanently.

Now let me ask you the question that nobody asks: “Will the REAL Messiah cleanse the Third Temple which has been profaned by the the Beastthe anti-christor will He make a NEW Fourth Temple during his rule?” What do you think?

Let me quote to you from Jeremiah Chapter 33:14: “Behold, the days are coming, says, Adonai, when I will fulfill this good promise which I have proclaimed for the House of Israel and the House of Judah.” My friend, good things are coming. But before they do, there's going to be some very bad times.

Now let's go back to what I was talking about when I opened this segment. I want to start a new series on the Third Temple … where it's going to be located. You probably ask me,
“Why do you say that; it's on the Temple Mount.” Wait a minute, my friend, I'm go to share some new things that I have researched … I have discovered.

Anyway, I'm going to share some things in this new series that will completely revolutionize the geopolitics of the end times. And I'm going to share with you some things that could absolutely revolutionize thinking about “time tables” of the lAst Days … and it might even move things up a little more quickly.

Let me share with you some interesting things. First of all, let's talk about the Temple Mount. In a mass of over 375 literary descriptions from several versions of the Bible, and the Talmud, and other Jewish sources, plus pseudepigrapha and Apocrypha. They all demonstrate the First and Second Jewish temples stood in the city of David above the Gihon Springs … and NOT where the Dome of the Rock (the Temple Mount) is located now. Not where many scholars say the Temple was located. I'm going to verify this, and I'm going to give you lots of teaching on this'

I'm talking about
the traditional view (current belief) that many hold about the Temple Mount or Haram Al-Sharif as compared with Josephus' description that the Roman Fort Antonio was where the Dome of the Rock is now … and NOT the location of the Jewish Temple. Now, why am I saying that? Because I would rather believe what a person who was there when Jerusalem stood, when the temple stood … and was there when Jerusalem was destroyed … and was there after Jerusalem was destroyed.

I would rather hear what Josephus has to say. Josephus is probably the most popular Jewish historian of the ages. I would rather listen to what he says than what some 21st Century “scholars?” and rabbbis might say about ithe Temple location (be they Jewish or Gentile).

To give you a little background of Josephus ... he lived in Jerusalem. He was there, during the destruction ot the Temple. He saw it after the temple was destroyed. And he was even given the records, the Jewish records of the construction of Fort Antonio by king Herod.

He was also given the Roman records of Jewish wars. What happened, when they happened, and where they happened.
Josephus is impeccably accurate. He's a first century eyewitness observant. And not as I said, a 21st century guesser! Josephus definitely said that the Jewish temple was in the City of David, not where people think it is now. Now, why am I sharing this? And why is it so important in this series we're getting ready to cover?

Here's why? If the Jewish people understand that the Temple never stood on the Dome of the Rock complex (or what they call the Temple Mount), then the construction of Third Temple could begin immediately in the city of David on the Southeast Ridge of Jerusalem.

Tradition is probably stronger than historical fact. In other words, tradition is stronger than what an eye witness named. Josephus said! Only something supernaturalmaybe some NEW archaeological findingsor some other dynamic happening can change the traditionalist thinking problem.

But my purpose in this series is to change that. Will the spirit of tradition override the spirit of truth?!
The Temple, my friend, was not where they say it is now at the Temple Mount. It was in the City of David. There are archaeologists, historians, and academics convinced that the First and Second Jewish Temple NEVER stood on what is recognized NOW as the Temple Mount.

Let me tell you something to think about. If they could get Mount Zion's location wrong for so many years, isn't it possible they could get the location of the Temple wrong? So we're going to cover that in this series. We're going to discuss some important things. And we're going to delve into a lot of what Josephus, the Jewish historian, taught about where the Jewish temple stood. Okay, my friend, buckle up and hang on for the ride.

Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai.

Your friend,
Prince Handley
President / Regent
University of Excellence


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