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Mar 27, 2014

PODCAST SATELLITE / The Voice of Israel
with Prince Handley

Prince Handley


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If you are Jewish … and if you live in Israel … here are specific events to watch for.
Many of these events are “signs” pre-recorded in the Hebrew scriptures to alert you.

 1. To let you know HOW and by WHAT MEANS your enemies will deceive you; and,
2. To prepare you for the coming of Mashiach to Israel to establish His Kingdom.

 If you are NOT Jewish, and you do not live in Israel … then for sure study this info.

 Prophetic events for the decade 2014 thru 2023. Intel and info to help you prepare.

PLUS ... NEW Global banking info and intel on the 10 world leaders to arise.




New developments of international law (United Nations) and world government in association with the International Criminal Court with possible warrants for the arrests of Israeli political and military leaders. (These also work concomitantly with pressure on Bibi Netanyahu to go along with West Bank concessions to Abbas and Palestinians: A ploy endorsed secretly by Obama and Kerry for the deadline of signing by April 29, 2014.)

The expansion of the global homosexual-lesbian agenda fulfilling the prophecy of Yeshua concerning conditions on Planet Earth before the appearing of Mashiach. (Brit Chadashah: “As it was in the days of Lot, so shall It be in the days of the appearing of the Son of Man.” (see Torah: Genesis Chapter 19)

Civil and military strife in the confines of the Euphrates River: Turkey, Syria, and Iraq. World War III will ultimately – in the future – emerge from this area (the 6th Trumpet of Revelation: Chapter 9, verses 13-21). One-third of the world's population will be killed as a result of this war. This will NOT affect Israel now, but will in the future.

The loss of critical alliance of the USA and its leadership in helping Israel. Unless the political landscape changes drastically in the USA, Israel will be “hung out to dry.” There is a lack of majority of leaders in both major political parties with real “backbone” of leadership in the USA anymore. Only a MIRACLE from G-d can change the current political climate in the USA and cause her to again be a real supporter of Israel.

More control over the minds of youth in countries outside of – and opposed to – Israel. This is not just in the Palestinian camp where young people are taught to hate Jews. This is happening in Germany, USA, and other “Western” camp countries influential in Global Politics and ideology. Germany, the enabler of Naziism, hates home schooling. In the USA, the Obama administration wants to eliminate home schooling; to require all students to be in public overview so they can be taught “worldview” without religious contradiction: tolerance and political correctness. The political, psychological and sociological pressures on Israel and the Jewish People in 10 more years – if not less – will be exacerbated.1

EDITOR'S NOTE: The false messiah (anti-Messiah)2, like Hitler, knows he must control the minds of youth in order to accomplish global domination. His world view must be taught in public (government controlled) school systems globally. The government must control the school systems for the world dictator to rule without opposition: politically, financially (thru entitlements and purchased votes via unions), and ideologically.

Peace accord signed by April 29th. USA President Obama and Secretary of State, John Kerry, are pushing for a Middle East peace agreement to be signed between Israel and the Palestinians by April 29th. This may or may not happen; however, if it does happen – and IF it is the Seven Year Covenant spoken of by Daniel the Prophet – , the Sixth Trumpet of Revelation may occur during the first three and one-half years after signing. WHY? The Sixth Trumpet marks the beginning of the Euphrates conflict (Revelation Chapter 9:14-15) which explodes into World War III with the one-third of the human population being killed. This will make a perfect backdrop for the anti-Christ to rise to power with his promise of world peace.

A future Seven Year Peace Accord is prophesied and definite! The peace accord designed by Obama-Kerry may or may not be the Seven Year Covenant which Daniel the Prophet (Tanakh: Daniel Chapter 9, verse 27) told us about. However, the New World Leader (false messiah, anti-messiah or anti-Christ) will probably rise to power as the result of the Euphrates conflict, and he will make a Seven Year Covenant (the one prophesied) between Israel and the Palestinians. We know that three and one-half years after a seven year peace treaty (covenant) is signed that the false messiah will go into the Jewish Temple and proclaim that he is god.

After the BIG – prophesied – Seven Year Covenant is signed, (may NOT be in 2014) there will be two (2) distinct periods of 42 months or three and one-half years. The Jews will be allowed to rebuild their Temple on the Temple Mount. In the middle of the seven years (at the end of the first half) the World Leader (the “Beast” or anti-Messiah) will order the Jews to stop the animal sacrifices and he will go into the Temple and commit an abomination (proclaim that he is God and/or Messiah). See Tanakh: Daniel 8:9-14, Daniel 9:27 and Brit Chadashah: Revelation 11:2, 13:5; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Be aware that in the midst (in between) the events I have described happening for the next decade (2014 thru 2013) the following events MAY also happen:

1. A Middle East war that will place Israel in control of the whole Middle East. A war between Israel and all of the Middle East MAY happen, not just bordering Arab states like Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan. Israel will "fly down upon the shoulder of the Philistines (the Palestinians) to the west". In context Israel will strike against Egypt and Iraq (Assyria) and "plunder the people of the East." Israel MAY control these nations, and evidently, their wealth as a result of the plundering. Lexicographically, the "people of the East" include the Arab nations of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE, and others.

Notice that most prophecy teachers will NOT cover this as it is NOT “general” enough to protect them if it does NOT take place. They may make a partial allusion to this conflict by reference to Psalm 83 with expanded hyperbole! You may study specifics about this conflict by clicking on the link in the paragraph above.

2. The Ezekiel 38 conflict. See what Ezekiel is saying to us TODAY. Russia, Turkey, Iran and other Middle East and North East African nations will form an alliance to attack Israel. This we know for sure. Realize that BEFORE the LORD wipes out the Magog Alliance on the hills of Israel (Ezekiel 38 and 39), there is an attack planned upon Israel by Iran. This is evident by Iranian posture and declarations, by Intel, and by present geopolitical climate. This attack is imminent.

3. An unexpected attack upon the USA or Israel by Asian / Eastern power(s). In the last days their will be a major military, political, and economic force that arises from the East. This could include present day Iraq, Syria, Eastern Turkey, the southern steppes of Russia (from the former USSR), Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, or North Korea. This force may be an amalgamation of national and cultural social interests flowing together for advancement, protection, control and power.

4. Cosmic “signs” that may appear. (NOTE: These are NOT what Yeshua was talking about in Matthew 24:29 when he was quoting Joel 2:31.)  Red blood moons and other signs associated with the Jewish feasts and holidays:

Passover, April 15, 2014
Feast of Tabernacles, October 8, 2014
Passover, April 4, 2015
Feast of Tabernacles, September 28, 2015

These four Red Blood Moons are known as "Tetrads" and have appeared in coordination with Jewish Feast Days of Passover and Tabernacles three (3) times in the last 500 years, so they may definitely be something to consider as signs dealing with Israel. Each of these three times were during times of persecution and / or attack on the Jews or Israel and MAY be future prophetic indicators.

1493-94 (After the Spanish Inquistion in 1492 under King Ferdinand in Spain.)
1949-50 (After Israel won the Arab - Israeli War of Independence in 1948.)
1967-68 (After the Six Day War won by Israel in 1967.)

POST NOTE: The April 15 "Red Blood Moon" mentioned above March 27, 2014, appeared as scheduled April 15, 2014. Here are several photos taken by people in different countries where it could be seen: PHOTOS OF BLOOD RED MOON APRIL 15, 2014. Check out, "Your Views of the Blood Moon" #22.  

5. Judgment upon Egypt with the Nile River drying up. Three places in the Tanakh (the Old Testament), the scriptures speak of the Nile River being dried up because of judgment from the LORD. This has NOT happened yet: Isaiah 19:5, Ezekiel 30:12, and Zechariah 10:11.

Equalization of the nations of the world with unequal wealth distribution. WhileMarxists and socialists like Obama propagate “wealth distribution,”9 the truth is that they (the ones who promote the concept) are on the “wealth gleaning”9 side of the equation. Fact: 83 members of Communist China's National People's Congress (NPC) are billionaires in terms of US Dollars.3Ask Barack and Michelle Obama what percentage of their income they gave to charity! The poorer and less educated populace in socialist dominated countries are coerced, propagandized or bought off in a tradeoff of “votes for handouts.”

The scriptures prophesy global equalization to facilitate One World Government. Just as Global (one-world) Religion and Global (one-world) Economic System are necessary for control of the populace, so is Global (one-world) Government. World domination is contingent upon the evolution or formation of a Global Elite sector: a small group of people … extremely wealthy9 and powerful … who control political and economic sectors. You can read about such control in Revelation Chapter 18, and notice there are 21 specific – literal – commodities listed. Study “Babylon, the Enemy of Israel, Exposed – Part 1” and “Babylon, the Enemy of Israel, Exposed – Part 2.”

GFC4 – FSB5 – G-SIB6 – BIS7 – OPMF8 are synonyms for International cooperation for a Super Bank that controls ALL central banks. Talk about inflation? You haven't seen anything yet! See Prince Handley's prophecy of a Global Financial Collapse dated Tuesday, May 6, 2008. The Global Financial Crisis of 2008 will pale in comparison to what you see happen next. This conglomeration will produce a windfall of “false money” – money that is stolen from the public – resulting in a cycle of endless and greater financial controls that will prepare the way for The Mark of the Beast: 666.

EDITOR'S NOTE: 1. A one-world currency is NOT necessary for the New Global Economy prophesied by the Holy Bible … only Global Financial Control. 2. Also, do NOT put long range trust in gold as it may be regulated in the future. Put your trust in the G-d of Israel. 3. Use your credit cards and enjoy them, but realize that each new innovation in card / credit technology is one more step closer to control that will be ultimately utilized by the Global System of The Beast.

Hyper inflation9 or stagflation will create economic havoc for most of the population. Recent gains in the stock market (Dow at 17,000) create a false sense of security among investors. As our money loses value due to government printing false money (increasing money supply or “quantitative easing”), prices go UP … and so do stocks! The stock market is NOT gaining value … our money is losing value! The economy is about to fall apart. The Federal Reserve Board knows this. The Fed is simply “propping up” the economy by “quantitative easing” and low interest rates. The new head of the Fed, Janet Yellen, is in complete agreement with the Obama strategy of injecting more than $3 Trillion Dollars of “stimulus funds” into the economy.

EDITOR'S NOTE:: While in graduate school I worked for the Federal Reserve Bank twice. There was NO privacy then, so don't think there is now!

Technology and Super Science. Development of world's fastest WiFi in Israel. Wilocity, located in Caesarea, Israel, is delivering the world's first multi-gigabit wireless chipsets based on the new WiGig 60GHz and IEEE802.11ad standards for super high-speed downloads, docking, networking, and high definition video at over 10x today's typical Wi-Fi transmission rates. Almost 25 times faster than the highest home internet speeds. You can download a two hour HD movie in just over two minutes, run 14 devices simultaneously, or download 10 songs in 1.5 seconds. The potential to propagate the Good News of Messiah and the Word of the LORD globally is exponentially increasing in these Last Days.

But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” (Tanakh: Daniel 12:4)



Ten national leaders – heads of governments – will arise during the same time period. These ten world leaders will receive power during the same time period as the coming World Leader (“The Beast”). The ten leaders will have “one mind” and will give their power and strength unto the false messiah, the anti-Christ (“The Beast”). These ten world leaders will have power on earth, but they are NOT from the earth.11 They are extra-terrestrial creatures. How do we know? Revelation 17:14 says, “These shall (at the very end of the last three and one-half years) make war with The Lamb.” The Lamb is Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus, the Messiah) who will come to deliver Israel at the Battle of Armageddon. No earthly king or leader could oppose the Messiah when he returns. Only stupid demonic beings of the “spirit” world who follow Satan would attempt such an act.

The ANSWER: Make sure you know the Messiah. Do NOT wait until the spirit of deception10prophesied in the Holy Bible overtakes you and you can no longer be saved. Pray this prayer:

God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, please reveal to me if Yeshua (Jesus) is my Messiah. If so, I ask Him to take control of my life – to be my Lord . Please save me. Forgive my sins and help me to live for You … and take me to Heaven when I die. Amen!”

Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai.

Your friend,

Prince Handley
President / Regent
University of Excellence

Copyright © Prince Handley 2014
All rights reserved



 If you feel the LORD would like you to help Prince Handley
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  1. Romeike vs. Holder.

  2. False messiah, anti-Messiah, the Beast: Tanakh: Daniel Chapter 9 (verse 27), Daniel Chapter 11 (verse 31), Daniel Chapter 12 (verse 11); and, Brit Chadashah: Matiyahu Chapter 24 (verse 15), Revelation Chapter 13 (verses 1 thru 10).

  3. The USA has only one billionaire in politics: Michael Bloomberg of New York.

  4. GFC. Global Financial Crisis with primary manifestation in 2008 (originated in 2007) and accelerated by corrupt government buyouts of failing institutions, especially in USA.

  5. FSB. Financial Stability Board created in 2008 by the G20 countries to regulate and control the international financial system.

  6. G-SIB. 29 Globally Systematically Important Banks. The biggest internationally connected banks to be favored and protected in time of economic crisis (even if embezzlement, corruption and mismanagement are the facilitators).

  7. BIS. Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland. Acts as a SUPER bank for ALL individual country central banks.

  8. OPMF. Outright Permanent Money Finance. This will create giant, immoral, unethical money transfers and a greater disparity in wealth distribution. Money can be created out of nowhere (like USA present Fed policy of “quantitative easing”) and given to governments. This, of course, magnanimously decreases the value of your money. (More supply … less demand or value.)

  9. Inflation and wealth distribution with wealth gleaning on the top end. Economic disruption. The problem is NOT famine, but inflation and scarcity. Revelation 6:5-6.

  10. Spirit of deception prophesied in the Holy Bible. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11.

  11. Ten national leaders that arise during the Time of the End. The development of a hybrid species in the end times – through which the anti-Christ MAY derive his submissive leadership core could well be the result of fallen spirit forces (demons) facilitating the same, rather than aliens from another planet.These fallen spirit forces (demons) may be from extra-dimensional time-space: not from other planets, but from a megaverse (outside our traditonal concept of space-time continuum). See “2014 Boolean Blog: Israel and the Four F's of the Last Days,” by Prince Handley. (Scroll down to the section on “Fallen spirits.”)


Podcast time: 20 minutes, 58 seconds.


Copyright 2014 Prince Handley
All rights reserved


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