May 13, 2008

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An Israeli highway will be built for Jews
connecting Egypt, Syria, and Iraq. A war between Israel and
probably ALL of the Middle East will happen, not just bordering
Arab states like Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan: the Palestinians,
Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE, and others.
In the previous podcast I showed you WHY this takes place. In this
podcast I will show you HOW. Also, information on the NEW super highway that will
be constructed.
In the last teaching we studied Isaiah Chapter 11, verses 12-16. We
read a description of
a war that
will happen BEFORE Messiah comes to earth again (the second
time). The first 11 verses tell us about Messiah's return and his
rule of peace on earth. Verses 12-16 cannot happen during this time
because Messiah's reign is characterized by peace.
Another distinctive feature of the prophecy in
verses 12-16 is that the war therein described has not happened
A war between Israel and probably ALL of the Middle East will
happen, not just bordering Arab states like Lebanon, Syria, and
Israel will "fly down upon
the shoulder of the Philistines (the Palestinians) to the
west". In context
will strike against Egypt and Iraq (Assyria) and "plunder the
people of the East." Israel will control these nations, and
evidently, their wealth as a result of the plundering.
Lexicographically, the "people of the East" include the
Arab nations of Saudi Arabia,
Yemen, Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE, and others.
It is very evident here (in this passage) that Israel will
control the East Bank of Jordan (Ammon, Moab, and Edom). This
happened in Joshua's time and has NOT happened SINCE the days of
This is a future prophecy
that WILL happen!
You might wonder how this will happen. Israel could not even
control Lebanon in recent years and finally pulled their military
presence from their neighbor to the north. How can Israel control
SEVERAL Arab / Moslem nations with 80 million Arabs against them?
The answer is:
Jehovah-Nissi: the LORD our Banner!
It will be a supernatural
conquest like when Israel came up out of Egypt from the
bondage of Pharaoh!
Yes, if you and I are "believers" then we BELIEVE in these things.
We believe in G-d, and we believe His Holy Word … we believe His
prophecies in the Tanach, the Old Testament. G-d is NOT some old
man in a rocking chair. He is eternally young and powerful, full of
love … and just in all His works!
The G-d of Israel is the Protector and Warrior
of Israel. To fight against Israel is to fight against
Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Deborah,
and David … for whom God fought … are all witnesses of His
delivering power over the nations and over any people who would try
to subdue, oppress, and resist Jacob's seed line:
Look at Isaiah 11:15-16. Verse 15 says:
"The Lord will
utterly destroy (dry up) the tongue of the Sea of Egypt (that is,
He will dry up the gulf of the Egyptian Sea)."
"With His
mighty (scorching) wind He will shake His fist over the (Euphrates)
River. He will strike it, (or, break it up) in the seven streams.
And make men cross over dry-shod (or, in sandals)."
God will cause to happen (super) natural happenings
in Egypt AND Assyria (the confines of
present day Syria and Iraq).
happenings will be so evidently "acts of G-d" … divinely planned
and implemented … that the Arab / Moslem nations, and their
individual inhabitants, will be cognizant of the fact that an
assault against Israel is not just a military assault, but a
"spiritual" opposition … and that against God!
The Arab / Moslem nations and
people will be aware and know that THE G-D is the G-d of Israel and
NOT a false god named "Allah." Isaiah tells us in verse 16
(of Chapter 11): "There will be a highway for the remnant of His
people who will be left from Assyria (Iraq and Syria) as it was for
Israel in the day that he came up from the land of Egypt (under
What does this "
mean? What purpose does it fulfill in prophecy … or in end times
fulfillment? The word in Hebrew is "
m'cillah" which means a "
Are there that many Jews living in these areas? Let's investigate
some of these countries or geographic areas.
IRAQ - At one time,
Baghdad, Iraq, was one-fifth Jewish. Other communities had first
been established 2,500 years ago. Today, approximately 38 Jews live
in Baghdad, and a handful more in the Kurdish-controlled northern
parts of Iraq.
SYRIA - By the middle of
2001, Rabbi Huder Shahada Kabariti estimated that 150 Jews were
living in Damascus, 30 in Haleb and 20 in Kamashili. Every two or
three months, a rabbi visits from Istanbul, Turkey, to oversee
preparation of kosher meat, which residents freeze and use until
his next visit. Two synagogues remain open in Damascus.
Although Jews are occasionally subjected to violence by Palestinian
protesters in Syria, the government has taken strict protective
measures, including arresting assailants and guarding the remaining
According to the State Department, Jews still have a separate
primary school for religious instruction on Judaism and are allowed
to teach Hebrew in some schools. About a dozen students still
attend the Jewish school, which had 500 students as recently as
1992. Jews and Kurds are the only minorities not allowed to
participate in the political system. In addition, "the few
remaining Jews are generally barred from government employment and
do not have military service obligations. They are the only
minority whose passports and identity cards note their religion."
EGYPT - Egyptian Jews began
leaving their homes after Israel was established as a nation in
1948. Between 1948 and 1956, more than 30,000 Jews left Egypt.
About 20,000 moved across the border to Israel and another 10,000
embarked to farther destinations in North America, South America
and Europe. The rest of the community left in the late fifties and
early sixties, continuing the pattern of immigration to Europe,
North America and Israel.
Today, the Egyptian Jewish community numbers in the hundreds,
estimated by an American student to be mostly old women in Cairo
and Alexandria. He states, "The Rosh Hashanah service I went to had
no more than twenty "real" Egyptian Jews in attendance. The
remainder was made up of American and Israeli diplomats, travelers,
business executives, and foreign students from the American
University of Cairo."
ETHIOPIA - Operation
Solomon, named for the king from whom one of the theories suggest
that the Beta Israel draw their lineage, ended almost as quickly as
it began. Timing was crucial, since any delay by Israel could have
allowed the rebels to hold the Jews as bargaining chips with Israel
or the United States. A total of 14,324 Ethiopian Jews were rescued
and resettled in Israel, a modern exodus of the grandest
Operation Solomon rescued twice the number of Jews in Operation
Moses and Joshua, in a mere fraction of the time. Though it is too
early to predict their impact on Israeli society, the 36,000
Ethiopian Jews now living in Israel (rescue efforts are under way
to transport the remaining 2,100 Ethiopians who wish to emigrate to
Israel) will play an important role in Israel for generations to
Why would God cause a supernatural
event just for a FEW people???
Let's look at this passage again. "There will be a highway for the
remnant of His people who will be left from Assyria (Iraq and
Syria) as it was for Israel in the day that he came up from the
land of Egypt (under Moses)." Let me suggest that this could mean
ANY or ALL of the following:
A. G-d
may make a way for even ONE of the children of Israel (the
"remnant"). Look at Daniel in the lion's den … and the three Hebrew
B. G-d
is going to make a "highway of deliverance" for all Jews and, also,
Messianic believers (real Christians) from the Arab / Islamic
nations described above.
C. Arab
nations will realize their defeat is from YHWH and many Arab /
Islamic will become Messianic believers in Yeshua, G-d's Messiah
for all nations.
D. There
may be many more Jews in these areas than we know about. Many of
them, themselves, may NOT realize they are children of Israel.
Impossible as it may seem, Israel's present occupation MAY NOT be
the FINAL regathering. Jews may once again, either partially or
wholly, be dispossessed from the Promised Land until the time of
the FINAL regathering. Note: there is nothing in the Tenach to
guarantee that THIS is THE TIME of the final regathering, although
many prophecies point to it.
believe we are seeing the FINAL regathering. However, we
know there WILL BE a final regathering if this is not the time.
that day I will raise up the tabernacle of David, which has fallen
down, and repair its damages; I will raise up its ruins, and
rebuild it as in the days of old; that they may possess the remnant
of Edom, and all the Gentiles that are called by My Name,”
says YHWH who does this
(Amos 9:11-15)
The G-d of Israel is a G-d of power who loves mankind and wants to
redeem them. What a beautiful project: the construction, through a
supernatural MIRACLE, of a "
thoroughfare" for the remnant of His
"In that day there will be
a highway from Egypt to Assyria (Iraq and Syria). The Assyrians
(Iraq and Syria) will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria. The
Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together. In that day Israel
will be the third. Along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing on the
earth. The Lord Almighty will bless them, saying, 'Blessed be Egypt
my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my
inheritance'." (Isaiah 19:23-25)
In our next podcast we will discuss further aspects leading up to
Israel's ascendancy into international prominence. Also,
HOW G-D will draw Russia
and Iran into battle with Israel ... and
WHAT G-D uses to defeat them.
Many people, some scholars (or so-called scholars), confuse the
Battle of Armageddon with the battle(s) described in Ezekiel
Chapters 38 and 39. Some wrongfully associate these battles as the
same. They are NOT the same battles and it is simple to discern.
Listen next time! And ...
remind your friends to listen.
In the meantime, read and study
the Tanach.
Know where you’re at ...
Know where you’re going
Know what’s
happening today ...
Know what’s happening in the future!
Bar’khoo et adonai hamvorakh!
Your friend,
Prince Handley
[1]. Jerusalem Post, (Dec.
13, 1997); Arieh Avneri, The Claim of Dispossession, (Tel Aviv:
Hidekel Press, 1984), p. 274; Maurice Roumani, The Case of the Jews
from Arab Countries: A Neglected Issue, (Tel Aviv: World
Organization of Jews from Arab Countries, 1977), pp. 29-30; Norman
Stillman, The Jews of Arab Lands in Modern Times, (NY: Jewish
Publication Society, 1991), pp. 117-119; Howard Sachar, A History
of Israel, (NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1979), p. 399.
[2]. Associated Press,
(January 27, 2000). U.S. Department of State, 2000 Annual Report on
International Religious Freedom, Released by the Bureau for
Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor Washington, DC, (September 5,
2000). U.S. State Department Report on Human Rights Practices for
[3]. Glimpse Magazine: An
American Jew in Egypt, "Rosh Hashanah in Cairo", by Michael Lukas
[4]. The Israel Association
for Ethiopian Jews (IAEJ). Written by the staff of PRIMER -
Promoting Research in the Middle East Region.
[5]. Quest for the Lost
Tribes: an A&E Television Video Production. Copyright 1998.
Written, produced, and directed by Simcha Jacobovici.
Podcast time: 14 minutes, 19 seconds (with music)
Podcast size: 13.1 MB
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happening NOW!
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