May 6, 2008

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A war between Israel and probably
ALL of the Middle East will happen, not just bordering Arab states
like Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan: the Palestinians, Egypt, Iraq,
Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE, and others. In this
podcast I show you WHY. In subsequent shows I will show you
The Middle East conflict … the Israeli-Arab dispute … is at its
essence thousands of years old. It
is a spiritual conflict: the political aspects of which are
merely the symptoms.
The beautiful thing is, and which many of us know, that both sides
can WIN. Individuals on both sides of the geo-cultural battleground
can win by yielding to the headship of Yeshua, God's Messiah for
all nations.
National entities may clash, but individuals can find PEACE.
I have had tremendous fellowship
with Egyptian, Israeli, and Arab brethren in the Lord for many
years. When Egyptian, Israeli, and Arab brethren love each
other and all have similar major goals … to see the LOVE of God
heal people and the POWER of God deliver them … then you have a
benchmark from which to measure. These are NOT goals of homicide
and terrorism. You know a tree by its fruit. You have a model for
nations and cultures to emulate.
Neither is this an offshoot of the ecumenical movement, where
different theologies who have different ideas or philosophies of
how to reach God, or to contact him, attempt unity in the flesh.
What I’m talking about is a TRUE fellowship of people, in the Holy
Spirit, who have experienced God through His Son, Yesua Ha
Meshiach: Jesus the Anointed One.
Also, those who have experienced a genuine NEW BIRTH through the
Messiah can do something that NONE of the cults, the occult, or the
so-called New Age adherents can do: Yeshua's followers can PLEASE
God! However, even though we can have peace individually and KNOW
the TRUE GOD, the scriptures do
show us that there will be a final Israeli-Arab war.
In Isaiah Chapter 11, verses 12-16, we read a description of
a war that will happen BEFORE
Messiah comes to earth again (the second time). The first 11
verses tell us about Messiah's return and his rule of peace on
earth. Verses 12-16 (the description of war) cannot happen during
this time because Messiah's reign is characterized by peace.
Another distinctive feature
of the prophecy in verses 12-16 is that the war therein described has NOT happened
historically. It has not happened yet!
A war between Israel and probably
ALL of the Middle East will happen, not just bordering Arab states
like Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan. They (that is, the children of Israel ... both Ephraim
and Judah) will "fly down upon the
shoulder of the Philistines (Palestinians) to the
west". In context Israel will strike against Egypt and
Iraq (Assyria) and "plunder the
sons of the East". Israel will control these nations,
and evidently, their wealth as a result of the plundering.
Lexicographically, the "people of
the East" include the Arab nations of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE, and
It is very evident here in this passage ... see verse 14 ... that
Israel will control the East Bank
of Jordan (Ammon, Moab, and Edom). This happened in Joshua's
time and it has NOT happened SINCE
the days of Isaiah. This is
a future prophecy that WILL happen!
In the next podcast I will discuss HOW this will take place! Don't miss
Right now, I want to discuss some things that are currently taking place in the
A financial collapse and worldwide recession is about to take
place. Food shortage is becoming manifest in many countries. A
financial collapse accelerates the move toward a world money system. Right now there are
144,000 Jewish male prophets (12,000 from each of the tribes of
Israel) being prepared to usher in the return of Messiah Yeshua for
the establishment of His Kingdom. Remember, before the
144,000 Jewish male prophets of God are to be marked, their will be
a time of 1. Peace; then, 2. War; then, 3. Hyper inflation; then,
4. Death. This fourth devastation
... death ... will result in one fourth ... 25% ... of the world’s
population dead. They will die from fighting, famine,
disease, and wild beasts.
Those who push for a New World Order don’t realize it, but
they are simply pawns in the hands of Satan. For example, look at
the following quote:
"One-fourth of humanity must be eliminated from
the social body. We are in charge of God's selection process for
planet earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse,
The above quote was spoken by Psychologist Barbara Marx Hubbard,
Member and futurist/strategist of Task Force Delta; a United States
Army think tank. (Read Revelation Chapter Six in the Brit
Satan needs the New World Order so
that he can possess the body of the New World Leader, who
will be none other than the False Messiah (the anti-Christ, or
Beast) who will deceive the nation of Israel. This coming world
leader of the NWO will make a
treaty with Israel for seven years and allow the Jews to build
their Temple on the Temple Mount. However, in the middle of the seven years (after
42 months have passed) he will go
into the Temple and blaspheme G-d, even stating that he is
Then a time of great persecution
for the Jews will begin ... greater than the Holocaust under
Nazi Germany.
Be alert! Watch and pray! All these things will come to pass before
Messiah returns. However, the Good News is that you can know the Messiah personally ...
NOW! Pray to the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Ask Him
to reveal to you if Yeshua is really the Messiah. If He does, then
receive Yeshua and live for Him. Study His Word. Read the Torah,
the Tanach, and the Brit Chadasha. Pray ... ask G-d how He wants
you to serve Him.
Podcast time: 10 minutes, 18 seconds (with music)
Podcast size: 9.43 MB
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